IR Contact

Service Center

(11) 333-PORTO – (Same as 333-76786) (Greater São Paulo and Greater Rio)
4004-PORTO – (Same as 4004-76786) (Capitals and Great Centers)
0800-727-0800 – (Other Locations)
+55 (11) 3366-3189 – (Mercosur Service)

By phone, you can:
Report a claim: 24 hours *;
Request services for your car and residence: 24 hours *;
Accompany a claim process *;
Request other services.

Opening hours: Monday to Friday, from 8:15 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. (except holidays).
(*) Services also available on the Customer Portal.

Click here to access the phones of Porto Seguro products and services.

Investor Relations

Domingos Falavina – Investor Relations Officer
Aleksandro Borges – Investor Relations Manager
Pedro Cardoso – Investor Relations Analyst
Gustavo Scarnera – Investor Relations Analyst                                                                                          

Rua Barão de Piracicaba, 740, 11th Floor
Campos Elíseos – São Paulo
São Paulo – Brazil
ZIP Code: 01216-012
Phone: +55 (11) 2393-7093 or 2393-7094

Contact the Audit Committee

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